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Color Perception
Oxford University Press Canada
Color has been studied for centuries, but remains incompletely understood. Digital technology has recently sparked a burgeoning inter-disciplinary interest in color. Graphic artists prefer to create their images on computers even though colors seen on display look different when printed;galleries now digitally archive valuable work. The fundamental problem that arises is that color reproduction is not simply a matter of reproducing identical physical phenomenona, but is rather a matter of creating perceptual equivalencies. The fact that color is a quality of perception ratherthan a "physical quality" brings up a host of intersting questions and makes it of common interest to both artists and scholars. This highly interdisciplinary volume - the ninth in the Vancouver Studies in Cognitive Science series - brings together chapters by psychologists, philosophers, computerscientists, and artists to explore the nature of human color perception, and hopes to further our understanding of color by encouraging interdisciplinary interaction.
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