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Introduction to International Development
Oxford University Press Canada
Introduction to International Development is a topical and theoretical introduction to development studies. This book is unique in its multidisciplinary approach given that most textbooks in the area are anchored primarily in one specific discipline-such as political science or economics-andfail to incorporate theories and viewpoints from other disciplines. Drawing contributors from a variety of disciplines-all three editors themselves come from different disciplinary backgrounds-this text ensures that students are exposed to a well-rounded view of development issues. In addition tobeing interdisciplinary, the book is international in scope - contributors from North America, the UK, Europe and the developing world expose students to diverse international perspectives. The book is divided into three sections: an overview of the history and key theories, a presentation of thekey actors, and an exploration of contemporary issues in international development. Combining theoretical, practical, and multidisciplinary approaches to respond to the particular needs of undergraduate international development programs, Introduction to International Development is truly the idealtext for any international development studies course!
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