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Interactive Computer Graphics
Pearson Education Canada
This fourth edition of Edward Angel's Interactive Computer Graphics again introduces topics in it's trademark top-down, programming-oriented approach. Students will quickly be able to create exciting interactive graphics applications using OpenGL. Coverage of programmable shaders and additional chapters on Vertex shaders and fragment shaders is incorporated into this new edition. Each chapter is built around applications. Key principles and techniques are explained to teach students by example and by practice. All topics required for a fundamental course in computer graphics are covered. Key topics include light-material interactions, shading, modelling, curves and surfaces, antialiasing, texture mapping, and compositing, as well as hardware issues.; Provides expanded breadth and depth to account for new developments in the field of computer graphics.; Consistent and complete discussion of the pipeline architecture.; Coverage of the OpenGL shading language that is now an official part of OpenGL.; Coverage of Vertex shaders and fragment shaders.; Uses C++, as well as C.; Resterization content is covered before texture mapping.
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