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Song of Solomon
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"A wise and spacious novel," is how Reynold Price described Song of Solomon, Morrison's crowning literary achievement. Her third novel's generous expanse reaches across generations of family and miles of land to tell the story of the descendants of Macon Dead, a one time slave who carved a bountiful living out of the Pennsylvania forest, only to be executed by an envious white farmer. Weaving together many of the themes that characterize her work-the relevance of names, the mysteries of the soul and the mind, and the clashing cultures of the North and South--Toni Morrison has, in Song of Solomon, given us a story that is more that a coming-of-age tale. She probes the heart of the dilemma facing many African-Americans struggling to obtain prosperity and independence without severing the ancestral ties that nourish their black identities. But, most importantly, she tells us a story of the human spirit: it's strength, its endurance, and its ability to soar.
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