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Price: $35.00
SKU:  9780901059581
Product  9780901059581

Seeds of Ontario Trees & Shrubs is a comprehensive introduction for new seed collectors, and a field-worthy companion for experienced collectors. The information is based on practical experiences of current and retiring collectors, with the goal of mentoring a new generation of collectors. We hope all seed collectors will use it to forecast and collect high quality, source identified seed to help ensure the success Ontario reforestation efforts.

Over 100 of Ontario’s native tree, shrub and vine species have been included. The manual is divided into 3 sections: Basics, Operations and Species. The Basics section contains background information on afforestation, plant biology and assessing seed quality. The Operations section describes forecasting, collecting, field storage and shipping. The Species section is divided by Conifers, Broadleaf Trees, Shrubs and Vines and then by Collection Season (Early, Mid and Late Season) so collectors can better schedule their activities.
